Archive for 'Everything Else'

How Lucky I Am
Posted on 31. Dec, 2017 by Jeff Lambert.
During this last day of 2017 I happened to drop onto a website I have laying around and found a photo collage that portrays how fortunate I feel both in […]
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Stray Cat and Her Kittens Hang Out in the Backyard
Posted on 01. Nov, 2016 by Jeff Lambert.
Over the past weekend we happen to see the usual orange cat wandering through our backyard but this time she wasn’t alone. She had a litter of three kittens! Over the course of the weekend two of the kittens disappeared and the mom was just with one of the little orange guys. Then the mom was […]
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Spot the Station
Posted on 27. Feb, 2013 by Jeff Lambert.
For the last two days in a row I’ve been lucky enough to watch tine International Space Station pass overhead. I don’t tire of thinking about those brave explorers living out in space, far from others and far from help should things go wrong. They are just amazing, amazing people. And maybe a little crazy too? 😮 […]
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Twain Harte Property For Sale
Posted on 05. Nov, 2012 by Jeff Lambert.
Came across an old page I’d set up a few years back when I was selling 180 acres of land in the Sierra Foothills. Well, it is for sale again and so thought I’d point folks to the original page. This also is a good way for me […]
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Rusted Nuts
Posted on 31. Jan, 2011 by Jeff Lambert.
Okay, now that the title has caught your eye I’ll start right off the bat saying I have not tried this and, if you do, you do so at your own risk. I’m not a chemist so don’t know if there is any issue with what is noted below.
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Dannon Gets It Right
Posted on 22. Sep, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
So, did Dannon read my post about Yoplait from September 10? Or maybe they just have a brain and understand making a difference is more important than […]
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What’s Up with Yoplait’s Support for a Cure to Breast Cancer
Posted on 10. Sep, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
Every time Yoplait puts on their support program for the Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure campaign I just get disgusted. No, I’m not against getting rid of breast cancer, quite the opposite. What drives me nuts is […]
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Jeff for President
Posted on 08. Sep, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
Hello my supportive fans. As you all know, during the last election I got no air time and was not invited to any of the debates. The fund raising efforts also produced no results. That said, I know I got quite a number of write in votes and for that I thank you. […]
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That’s a No-Go on the Solo
Posted on 07. Feb, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
I can’t believe I didn’t think to write about this life event until now. I was reminded by a discussion on the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) LinkedIn group asking for folks to submit aviation photos. As I was looking through my “Flying” photos I remembered the shots I took […]
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State of the Union Address
Posted on 27. Jan, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
Gee, what shall I watch while I’m putting in five and a half miles on the treadmill? Well, I haven’t seen the news for a while, guess I’ll catch up on things. Damn! Politicians! Oh hell, I guess […]
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Home Sweet Dry Home
Posted on 20. Jan, 2010 by Jeff Lambert.
Wow, the sky is still opening up here in sunny California. It was coming down fairly good with a whole lot of rain when I took Harrison to school. Looks like we have more bands that will be coming through for at least another couple of days. So far things are quite wet but […]
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Pondering National Health Care
Posted on 19. Nov, 2009 by Jeff Lambert.
So, the other day I was thinking about National Health Care, a rarity as I prefer not to try and figure out the reasoning’s of politicians. It dawned on me that our Congress and the cost of health care have a very common thread; l […]
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I Love You Chase Bank!
Posted on 30. Oct, 2009 by Jeff Lambert.
I’m glad that over the past 20 years I could be there to use my Chase Bank credit cards to allow Chase Bank to partner in my good fortune by earning fees from the merchants with whom I frequented. I really was proud to use my Chase Bank credit cards as they had such lovely graphical designs and were fashioned to fit so perfectly in my wallet. A smile would always come to my face when […]
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I’ve Just Moved into New Digs
Posted on 07. Aug, 2009 by Jeff Lambert.
Hello everyone!
Well, I decided it was time to move my personal blog off of and host it myself. Fits in better with all the other sites I build / manage. I’ll try and be a “little” better about putting something up here once-in-awhile but no promises. […]
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My First Post
Posted on 13. Mar, 2009 by Jeff Lambert.
I hope you aren’t expecting too much in my first post. It really is just a way to have something on this site while I continue going through a training program. I want to get the most out of the WordPress environment that I can. So far I am quite impressed and think it will be a very useful tool. I’m not certain, as yet, how it is going to stack up to Joomla, which is a more traditional Content Management System (CMS). For a work-in-progress example of a Joomla based web site you can check out Glass Bird Photography.
If you like what you see on my blog, you might consider setting up a blog of your own. It is pretty easy to do basic things and there are likely free tutorials out there. To get fancy would take additional skills but for general, personal blogging that isn’t necessary. Stay tuned…